Швеция 2 кроны 1938 трёхмачтовый пинас - Kalmar Nyckel

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КМ # 807

Швеция 2 кроны 1938 300 лет шведским поселенцам в Делавэре

Вес (гр): 15
Диаметр (мм): 30
Качество чеканки: регулярное
Металл: серебро 800-й пробы
Степень сохранности: на фото
Тираж: 508 815


KM# 807 2 KRONOR

15.0000 g., 0.8000 Silver 0.3858 oz. ASW, 31 mm. Ruler:

Gustaf V Subject: 300th Anniversary - Settlement of Delaware

Obv: Head left Rev: The ship “Calmare Nyckel”

В марте 1638 года корабль «Кальмар Нюкель» встал на якорь в заливе Делавэр, таким образом став первым шведским кораблём, достигшим берегов Нового Света. На борту пинаса находилось более 20 переселенцев, среди них были и немцы, и голландцы, и фины, ну и конечно шведы. Вся эта компания решила создать колонию под названием Новая Швеция.


The Kalmar Nyckel was constructed in about 1625 and was of a design called a pinnace. The ship was named after the city of Kalmar, which purchased the ship in 1628 as its contribution to the Royal Swedish Navy. When Sweden decided to establish a trading colony in the New World under the direction of Peter Minuit, the Kalmar Nyckel was chosen for the voyage. A smaller vessel, the Fogel Grip (Griffin Bird), accompanied her.

The ships sailed from Gothenburg in December 1637, commanded by Jan Hindriksen van der Water, but encountered a severe storm in the North Sea and had to divert to the Netherlands for repairs. They departed on New Year's Day 1638, arriving in North America in March 1638.

A second voyage, which departed on February 7, 1640, and arrived at Fort Christina on April 17, brought additional settlers for New Sweden. One of them was Reorus Torkillus, the first Lutheran clergyman in New Sweden. The Kalmar Nyckel made four successive round trips from Sweden, a record unchallenged by any other colonial vessel. She later served the Royal Swedish Navy in the Swedish-Danish War, then was used as a merchant ship. She was lost at sea in the late 17th century. There are conflicting reports on where she was lost. One says she sank off the coast of the city of Kalmar, while another says she was lost in the North Sea off the coast of England


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