Канада Остров Принца Эдуарда жетон 1/2 пенни 1830-1860

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Канада Остров Принца Эдуарда жетон 1/2 пенни 1830-1860 Ships Colony and Commerce

Вес (гр): 5.36
Диаметр (мм): 26
Качество чеканки: регулярное
Металл: медь
Степень сохранности: на фото


Данный жетон находился в обращении на острове Принца Эдуарда между 1830 и 1860 годах, а также встречался в Ньюфаундленде и в нижней Канаде. Его основное назначение - восполнить нехватку наличных средств.

Надпись на жетоне указывает на известное изречение, сделанное Наполеоном в 1811 году: корабли, колонии и торговля это 3 британских достижения, которые победят его в конце концов.


"Ships Colony and Commerce" tokens were emergency money that passed as a halfpenny. The issue circulated primarily in Prince Edward Island between 1830 and the 1860's though they were also known in New Foundland and in lower Canada. The later pieces with a well defined sailing ship were designed by Thomas Halliday whose initial "H" appears on many varieties. An article in the January 1917 Numismatist , the monthly publication of the American Numismatic Association, by W.A.D. Lees, identifies 54 varieties of  SC&C tokens.

The inscription refers to the famous statement made by Napoleon in 1811 that ships, colonies and commerce were the three British advantages that would defeat him in the end. The first of these tokens were produced in the United States and showed a ship flying the U.S. flag. Later issues, of which the specimen illustrated is an example, were struck in England and portray a ship flying the Union Jack.

Most of these later tokens seem to have been originally intended for circulation in Prince Edward Island where they were very popular. By the early 1860s, however, barrels full of them were being smuggled from Prince Edward Island into Newfoundland. This was a profitable enterprise due to the difference in the value of the currencies of the two colonies: Newfoundland currency was worth more and so the tokens specifically struck for use there tended to be heavier (and hence more costly) than those struck for use in Prince Edward Island. The Newfoundland government was soon forced to ban the P.E.I. tokens. The piece illustrated is in the National Currency Collection, Bank of Canada.

Values of these interesting pieces depend on type, variety and grade: Approximate value range: US $5 - 300.

Единиц товара в коробке: 79


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