Нидерланды 2 экю 1995 friese tjotter (тьёттэр)

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Нидерланды 2 экю 1995 friese tjotter (тьёттэр)

Вес (гр): 9.8
Диаметр (мм): 30
Качество чеканки: регулярное
Металл: медно-никель
Степень сохранности: unc
Тираж: 30 000


“What is a tjotter?

A tjotter is an authentic Frisian sail boat totaling about 6 meters in length. They have very little depth, making them ideally suited for the Frisian water. Over a century ago, the tjotter work boat of the fisherman, the farmer and the retailer in Friesland. Later there arose also ‘luxury’ tjotters which also matches were dangers. Our fleet is built entirely of oak. The boats are over the centuries formed by the water in which they sail. Thus, the mast easy to iron for the many bridges. They have no keel but retractable leeboards, what makes you the many shallow waters in Friesland from the feet can: tjotter with you anywhere. They perform with a gaff mainsail and a jib. In small Vaartjes they are easy to trees or withdraw survival (hunting). Friesland There is considerable competition dangers tjotters. As a rule, with skipper and fokkenist, but severe weather is going to a third party who submits to windward on the sword clout.


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