Гана 500 сика 2002 Финикийское торговое судно 1200г. до н.э.

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Гана 500 сика 2002 Финикийское торговое судно 1200г. до н.э.

Вес (гр): 25
Диаметр (мм): 40
Качество чеканки: пруф
Металл: серебро 925-й пробы
Степень сохранности: UNC
Тираж: n/a


Финикийское торговое судно — тип судна, использовавшегося финикийцами около 1500 года до н. э.

Одними из лучших мореходов и судостроителей за 1500—1000 лет до нашей эры с полным правом можно считать финикийцев. Их же принято считать первыми торговыми мореплавателями. Их кормчие внесли большой вклад в морскую науку, введя деление окружности горизонта на 360°. Кроме этого, именно финикийцы составили для моряков надёжные небесные ориентиры.

§ 3. Ассиро-Вавилония, Персия и Финикия

The Polaris ( the North Star) is one of the most important stars for orientation in the night without a compass. Searching the picture of the Little Dipper, at the end of the handle you will find the star – The North-Star was called in ancient times „Phoenician Star“ because Phoenician sailors have used the North-Star for navigation of the sailing ships.


The Phoenicians are well known as trader and explorer as early as 2000 B.C. Using sailing routes to the western Mediterranean beyond the Pillars of Hercules ( Straits of Gibraltar) to acquire new sources of raw materials and selling their own products. They founded Carthage and many other trading towns in the Mediterranean. By order of Pharaoh Necho ( 600 B.C.) Phoenician ships circumnavigated Africa.

Their homelands, the present coastline of Lebanon and Syria, with the cities Byblos, Sidon and Tyros represented

the crossing of trading routes between Egypt, Assyrian / Babylonia and the Far East.


The earliest report about an Egypt „Ship“ made with Papyrus reached back to 5000 B.C. Archaeological findings are dating wood made ships back as far as 2600 B.C. (Ship of Pharaoh Cheops). The Pharaoh (queen) Hatschepsut sent explorer ships to the Land of Punt. This ship type is depicted on the walls of her tomb Dair Al Bahri near Luxor.


Egypt was not really a seafaring nation mainly caused of absence of wood. When they ruled the Phoenician homeland, they used their fleets for the needs in trading.



500 Sika 2002 Silber PP

Phoenizisches Handelsschiff um 1200 B.C.

25 Gramm / 925er Silber



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